Loan Modifications

Missed a few payments? Falling behind? Or just worried about falling behind?

Facing payment challenges? Worried about falling behind on your mortgage? Explore various options for loss prevention and mitigation. Loan modification, a popular approach, can lead to a fair settlement, preventing costly foreclosure.

However, dealing with banks during this process can be frustrating. As experienced foreclosure attorneys, we understand the complexities, guiding clients through the mortgage modification process.

If a mortgage modification is challenging, consider a short sale as an alternative to move on from your home. We can help negotiate terms with the lender for a dignified resolution, potentially preserving your credit.

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is another option to transfer your home’s title to the bank, resolving financial liabilities. If a short sale or loan modification is rejected, we can assist in navigating this process, protecting your interests.

Mortgage forbearance agreements offer a pause on payments, demonstrating good faith between lenders and borrowers. If eligible, we’ll discuss the potential impact on your financial health and assist in drafting an agreement with your bank. Contact us to explore these options and find the best solution for your situation.

Roland Weedon CEO & Founder, Essex Mortgage

Professional, responsive, and able to keep up with ever-changing demand and tight deadlines.

Kelsi Gordon Insurance Broker, Brashears Insuruance

My busy schedule leaves little, if any, time for blogging and social media. The Lorem Ipsum Company has been a huge part of helping me grow my business.

Seth Gewirtz CEO, SNG Accountants

The Lorem Ipsum Company has been an integral part of our trial success.

Rob Joor Owner, Joors Welding and Metal Service

After being forced to move twice within five years, our customers had a hard time finding us and our sales plummeted.

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