Litigating the Action

Don’t sweat the paperwork. We’ll deal with the law firm representing the bank and help you navigate the legal proceedings.

Facing a Motion for an Order of Reference? Motion for a Summary Judgment? Motion for a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale? Don’t let paperwork hinder your foreclosure avoidance efforts. Upon receiving any motion, reach out to us first.

While some may lose hope upon receiving a bank’s motion, the best course of action is immediate response. Many banks anticipate no response, seeking an advantage in court or additional grounds for their case.

If you’re behind on payments, there may be more options than you realize, even after being served with a motion. Our firm specializes in evaluating each case and determining the best action, starting with your response to the bank.

Before making any decisions, let’s discuss. We’ll assist you in crafting the right response to the bank, outlining a potential settlement plan without overwhelming you with complex legal processes and forms.

Roland Weedon CEO & Founder, Essex Mortgage

Professional, responsive, and able to keep up with ever-changing demand and tight deadlines.

Kelsi Gordon Insurance Broker, Brashears Insuruance

My busy schedule leaves little, if any, time for blogging and social media. The Lorem Ipsum Company has been a huge part of helping me grow my business.

Seth Gewirtz CEO, SNG Accountants

The Lorem Ipsum Company has been an integral part of our trial success.

Rob Joor Owner, Joors Welding and Metal Service

After being forced to move twice within five years, our customers had a hard time finding us and our sales plummeted.

    Real Testimonials

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